he world today has progressed in the field of science and technology. Man is capable to travel in space, but here on earth he has not yet found real peace and happiness. Fear, greed, dishonesty, anger... are confusing man all the time and they disturb his inner peace.
Because of that Sai Baba founded the program "Education in Human Values". Truth (Sathya), right action (Dharma), peace (Shanti), love (Prema) and non-violence (Ahimsa) are the 5 pillars which Baba's teachings are based upon.
Exploring and practising these values is as a journey within, to discover and realise our real Self (Atma).
Sai Baba attaches great importance to the education of the children (the adults of tomorrow) so that they would grow up to be responsible adults with a good character. Nowadays more importance is given to intellectual cleverness. This is wrong! Importance has to be given to character also. Education has no value at all without character.
Baba says: "The end of education is character" and "Education is for life, not for living!"
"True education in Human Values is the one that is practised in daily life."
