t ins't that simple to find out how to connect daily life to spirituality.
You are conscious of it, only, you're in search of a key.

We can help and support one another on this inner journey.
That's why Sathya Sai Baba attaches great importance to good company, good food, music, books, everything in a positive thought.

The Sathya Sai Baba Brotherhood was created in this spirit as a relationship in cooperation between some Sai centers who want to put Swami's message into practice.These centers are open to devotees and anyone interested.

The Sathya Sai Baba Brotherhood was founded on the initiative of the actual chairman, Ramananda JP (known in India as Ramananda Sir), music teacher at the school of Sathya Sai Baba at Prashanti Nilayam.
The impulse came from Swami Himself who gave His permission for it during a personal interview with a "Very happy, very happy", followed by ""Brotherhood of Man, out of the Fatherhood of God".

He signed the Sathya Sai Baba Brotherhood logo, giving the green light for… His Brotherhood!

The importance of brotherhood in Divine Love as explained by Swami :

The individualism of man can be cured only by the potent drug called "LOVE".
The forces of BROTHERHOOD have to overpower the negative influence of every individual and promote unity and strength.
I preach only one religion- Love for all, which alone can integrate the human race into a brotherhood of man, embedded in the maturity of the Divine. This relates man to man and mankind to God, thereby creating mutual understanding, cooperation and community life in peace and harmony. On this basis I want to build one humanity without any religious caste or other barriers in a universal empire of love which could enable My devotees to feel the whole world as their own family."