Sri Sathya Sai Sanathan Samskruti Heritage Museum
This museum opened in 1990. It describes all the great religions, their origine and teachings.
It illustrates the eternal search of man to realise his divine nature.
A magnificent museum that gives sight and insight on the Sai Universe and its splendorous Glory.
With photo's, drawings, images, video films, panels, sound-recordings, manuscripts, slides, scale-models, etc., the rich spiritual past of India and its spiritual leaders, temples and sanctuaries are represented. The overall accent is: one world, one religion, the religion of the heart.

The Chaitanya Jyothi Museum
This museum depicts the life, mission and message of Sathya Sai Baba.
The first section deals with Sathya Sai Baba as Avatar and His previous incarnations, with the reason why God returns on earth from time to time.
The museum is subdivided into 7 levels:

The unmanifest manifests (the creation emerges out of the consciousness of the Universe);
The coming of Sai foretold;
Unfolding Divinity (childhood of Sathya Sai Baba);
Glory of the Divine - aspects of the Avatar;
Information to transform (most complete wisdom or Jnana of the Avatar);
The Global Transformation (the instruments of change of the Avatar);
Expansion of Love of the Avatar.

When you enter this museum you are overwhelmed by a flow of love that surpasses all limits of nationality, culture and religion. It is that love that inspires a devotee of Sai Baba to realise his own divinity and to dedicate himself to the well-being of his fellow man.
The building itself is made in true Chinese style.
Opened on 23 november 2000.