athya Sai Baba places a lot of importance on the social and cultural development of the Indian population.
Over the past few years, thousands of villages were helped in the area of social service, primary help, hygiene, and housing through means of volunteers.
In times of floods and earthquakes there is always an immediate intervention by Sai Baba. During the last earthquake in India, 60 trucks were sent, full of goods for first aid.
Sai Baba holds a Grama Seva annually. For a period of three weeks more than 1000 students provide food and cloth is supplied to all the villages of the district. In total, more than 350.000 food packages are distributed. During this period the students are in close contact with rural life, the living conditions and the culture of India. At the same time the village people are given a sense of hope for the future.
Sai Baba also places a lot of importance on community life, and to serve this purpose He got tens of social community centres built which hold a capacity to receive 200 to 500 people. In these all kinds of festivities can be held (marriages etc.) as well as cultural events.
In August 2001 Sai Baba announced that He would commence the building of villages for the poor. In the meantime this project is fully being executed. In such proportions that on the 20th of July 2002 Sai Baba has already inaugurated an entire village.