Upcoming/Current Events - > March


8 March


Shivaratri is prescribed for the fourteenth night of the dark half of the month, the night previous to the new moon, when the moon suffers from total blackout. It is an auspicious night, because the mind can be made to lose its hold on man. The moon is the presiding deity of the mind. Of the sixteen aspects of the moon, fifteen are absent on this day. On this day, it is possible to get full control over the mind by contemplating on God. On this day Shiva, Supreme Wisdom, takes the Linga Form for the benefit of the spiritual seekers.


25 March



The colorful festival of Holi bridges all social gaps and celebrates the underlying inner unity of all creation.
Holi also celebrates the immortal love between the Lord Krishna and his consort Radha.
It has an ancient origin and celebrates the triumph of 'good' over 'bad'.
Another meaning of the word Holi is sacrifice. With the lighting of bonfires we symbolise burning our impure characterestics and leaving only the pure and Divine after Holi.

31 March


Do not contemplate on death; It is just an incident in life.
Contemplate on God who is the Master of life.



Manifestations of Swami's Omnipresence

On April 24th, 2011, our dear Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's physical body has taken rest. But He lives ever so strong in the hearts of every one of us and He is with us, in us, above us, behind us, & in front of us always, to protect us, guide us and lead us to salvation.
The Samadhi (resting place) is at Sai Kulwanth Hall, Puttaparthi, India.
From out of the example of our Mother Sai , it is now up to our instruments to proceed with our mission.
Being out of His physical form, Swami is now showing Himself all over the world to His devotees, appearing in various manifestations.

India, Puttaparthi

Antwerp, Belgium - appearing as reflection in window
Picture taken end of December 2012